MP3 Album: "The Healing Light Collection" - Digital Download

The Healing Light Collection MP3 front.jpg
The Healing Light Collection MP3 front.jpg

MP3 Album: "The Healing Light Collection" - Digital Download


Guided Meditations for emotional and spiritual healing and peace of mind.

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The Healing Light Collection

This MP3 album is packed with a unique collection of 10 powerful and relaxing guided audio recordings, specifically designed to help heal and nurture mind, body and spirit.

Each track uses a calming English male voice blended with high quality ambient sound effects and soothing music, providing a deeply immersive experience in ambient and atmospheric soundscapes that is pleasant and entertaining to listen to. This MP3 album takes you on a healing journey, each track offering its own theme, beginning with spiritual protection and progressing through various emotional, physical and spiritual healing experiences.

Use Regularly.

Regular use of guided meditations can have extremely positive effects on your health and wellbeing. It has been shown to have an accumulative effect, the more you do it, the greater the health benefits you will notice.

The audio is best enjoyed through headphones to benefit from the immersive effect of the high-quality soundtracks, but the recordings can also used without headphones.

Use these meditation as part of a toolkit in your own self-care or in addition to that provided by your health care professional.


Enjoy a sample from the track using the player below (best experienced with headphones)…

Album Contents

01. White Light Protection: "Warrior of Light" (Epic Power-Meditation) (07:49)

Empowering and epic, a voice-guided 'White-Light-Protection" meditation with a narrative designed to inspire, uplift and protect. Some may enjoy this on a high volume setting.

02. Universal Light Energy Healing (Epic Guided Meditation) (12:21)

Empowering and uplifting, with Epic Music, we continue our "Epic Power Meditation" series with a deep healing session from the light energy of the universe.

03. Releasing Anger (Guided Meditation) (18:45)

For those who truly wish to rid themselves of anger, this powerful meditation will show you what anger does to you, and how to cleanse yourself of it.

04. Healing Light Energy, Full Body Scan Guided Meditation (15:15)

During this Guided meditation session, a white light of healing energy will flood your whole body, from your feet to your head to protect, energize and heal your mind, Body & Spirit

05. Stop Negative Self-Talk (Guided Meditation Exercise) (09:05)

This guided exercise can help you to rid you of the negative self-talk that afflicts many people and prevents them from finding any pleasure in life. We encourage people to practice this exercise daily, until it becomes second nature.

06. Heal Your Inner Child - Healing Love (Guided Meditation) (09:41)

Take this time to embrace and comfort your inner child, banishing the wounds of long ago. Let the beautiful music and gentle voice lead you through this high quality meditation of healing.

07. Healing Hands (Guided Sleep Talk-Down) (35:32)

During this deep sleep guided meditation, healing hands will move from your head to your toes, taking away all tension, stress or pain, leaving you soothed and relaxed, able to drift gently into sleep.

08. Improve Self Image and Self Esteem (Guided Meditation) (10:28)

Improve your Self Image & Self Esteem using this guided meditation. No matter who you are, you are as entitled to a positive and dynamic self-image as any-one in the world. Recognize your uniqueness, your strengths, your gifts and allow self-belief to take root and grow within you.

09. Connect with Your Higher Self (Guided Meditation) (09:52)

Some people feel cut off from the wisdom and love of their higher self. This simple and gentle exercise will explain that your higher self is always a part of you, and guide you toward forming a permanent connection. The exercise can be done as often as wish until it becomes second nature.

10. You are Loved (Guided Meditation) (20:30)

Sometimes we can all feel unloved and alone. But you are beloved, and this gentle guided meditation will show you how loved you are, how you can feel safe within this love. Realize that you are wonderful and deeply lovable just as you are.

IMPORTANT NOTE: DOWNLOADING TO APPLE DEVICES: Our MP3’s and zipped album files will download easily to a PC, Mac or android device. However, we DO NOT recommend downloading our purchased files to Apple devices directly, but instead download to a pc or Mac first and then transfer to your iOS device.

More download instructions available HERE

Purchase button located at the top of this page


Do not use any of our material whilst driving or in any situation where it is not safe to fall asleep. All media content provided by "The Honest Guys" is intended for entertainment purposes only. We are not affiliated to any Health agencies. None of our content is intended to offer medical or health related advice and must never be used as such. Our content is not a substitute for qualified medical advice or practice. Never make alterations to any medications or health regimes you may be on, without first consulting your doctor or a qualified medical professional. We accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any injury, loss or damage in any shape or form, incurred in part or in whole, as a direct or indirect result of any use or reliance upon the information and material provided here. We are unable to provide any warranty concerning the accuracy or completeness of any information contained within these recordings or in any related material created by The Honest Guys.